22 October 2007

Laughing Executive

Steve Ballmer, Chief Executive Officer of Microsoft Corporation, laughs at the Web. 2.0 Summit in San Francisco.

Steve Ballmer, Chief Executive Officer of Microsoft Corporation, laughs at the Web. 2.0 Summit in San Francisco.

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21 October 2007


This speaks to me on so many levels. I have no explanation.

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The Worm Is Turning

My two Prime Ministerial candidates are debating. Oh my. The worm is not working for John Howard.

14 October 2007

Luncheon at The Hyperdome

Ladies of Tuggeranong at luncheon.

10 October 2007


I think 'Deplaning' is one of the silliest made up words ever. It's up there with 'incentivize'. Definitely a US english word.

07 October 2007


October 7th, Crown Street Surry Hills, Sydney Australia.

A bustop features a witty billboard ad for the MCA (Museum of Contemporary Art) in Sydney. I find the feet disturbing. How tough her heels must be. I was compelled to capture the pain and her calloused stumps. Would she 'clatter' down a hard wood floor, or maybe 'clomp'?


The sales are on at Tuggeranong

Flashy marketing ideas at The Hyperdome.

06 October 2007

Logic on a Darlinghurst Street

Lunch time, October 6th. Darlinghurst, Sydney..
