23 May 2007

You cannot eject your computer because one of the devices in the docking station, 'Communications Port (COM1)', cannot be stopped right now.

You cannot eject your computer because one of the devices in the docking station, 'Communications Port (COM1)', cannot be stopped right now. Try closing all applications and ejecting the computer again later.

You try to eject your laptop from your docking station, but you get this error. You cannot see what process is still going. What a hassle. Microsoft support will tell you to install Service Pack 2, and then tell you to get paid support.
If you have ActiveSync, try disabling the 'Allow connections to com port 1' in 'connection settings'. I must have enabled it in panic one day, trying to get ActiveSync to let me use Soti Pocket Controller to do a presentation.

It fixed it.
