26 July 2008

My QR Code


22 July 2008

Dr Who - Theme Music

Ron Grainer and the BBC Radiophonic Workshop. I used to scream as a toddler when Dr Who started each 5.30 in the evening on ABC in Perth, WA Australia in the 60s. The most atmospheric and scary of themes. The primitive video effects didn't help either....

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Author's Great Gandfather

Va bene Nonno.

19 July 2008

Pope in Surry Hills

A pilgrimage to see His Highness Ben #16 goes past this blog's author's home in the inner city . This photo is further proof of the church's extreme conservative political agenda.

Pilgrims attacking innocent residents

Hordes of frenzied catholic zealot youth descend on an innocent local Protestant

12 July 2008

city rail network

Revolutionary new data networking at North Sydney station.
Is this 'the cloud'?